Value of a mobile information system to improve quality of care by community health workers.

INTRODUCTION We will be unable to achieve sustained impact on health outcomes with community health worker CHW based interventions unless we bridge the gap between small scale efficacy studies and large scale interventions Effective strategies to support the management of CHWs are central to bridging the gap Mobile phones are broadly available particularly in low and middle income countries LAMIC s where the penetration rate approaches 100 In this article we describe how mobile phones may be combined with mobile web based technology to assist in the management of CHWs in two projects in South Africa METHODS This paper is a descriptive one drawing lessons from two Randomised Controlled Trials RCT s outlining how a mobile phone information system can be utilized to enhance the quality of health interventions We organized our comprehensive management and supervision system around a previously published management framework The system is composed of mobile phones utilized by CHWs and a web based interface utilized by CHW supervisors Computerized algorithms were designed with intervention and assessment protocols to aid in the real time supervision and management of CHWs RESULTS CHWs used mobile phones to initiate intervention visits and trigger content to be delivered during the course of intervention visits Supervisors used the web based interface for real time monitoring of the location timing and content of intervention visits Additional real time support was provided through direct support calls in the event of crises in the field CONCLUSION Mobile phone based information system platforms offer significant opportunities to improve CHW delivered interventions The extent to which these efficiency gains can be translated into realized health gains for communities is yet to be tested