Informatics in radiology: A prototype Web-based reporting system for onsite-offsite clinician communication.

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The communication of imaging findings to a referring physician is an important role of the radiologist However communication between onsite and offsite physicians is a time consuming process that can obstruct work flow and frequently involves no exchange of visual information which is especially problematic given the importance of radiologic images for diagnosis and treatment A prototype World Wide Web based image documentation and reporting system was developed for use in supporting a communication loop that is based on the concept of a classic wet read system The proposed system represents an attempt to address many of the problems seen in current communication work flows by implementing a well documented and easily accessible communication loop that is adaptable to different types of imaging study evaluation Images are displayed in a native DICOM Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine format with a Java applet which allows accurate presentation along with use of various image manipulation tools The Web based infrastructure consists of a server that stores imaging studies and reports with Web browsers that download and install necessary client software on demand Application logic consists of a set of PHP hypertext preprocessor modules that are accessible with an application programming interface The system may be adapted to any clinician specialist communication loop and because it integrates radiologic standards with Web based technologies can more effectively communicate and document imaging data