Interactive videoconsultation is a feasible method for neurological in-patient assessment.

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To evaluate the feasibility of interactive videoconsultation IATV as a means by which neurologists might assess patients admitted with neurological symptoms to hospitals distant from a neurological centre we studied 25 unselected patients using interactive videoconsultation IATV and then validated the IATV diagnoses and management plans at a later face to face consultation IATV consultation led to an eventual diagnosis in 23 out of 25 patients with one diagnosis being changed and one remaining uncertain The IATV management plans were felt to be appropriate for all patients in study Twelve patients were able to be discharged from hospital on the same day as IATV on the advice of the neurologist It is therefore practical to assess patients admitted with neurological symptoms to distant hospitals using IATV and this may result in more efficient use of in patient resources