INCA - Individual Nomad Clinical Assistant - supporting nurses with mobile devices.

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INTRODUCTION A completely structured nursing record has been deployed in the 8 hospitals of the University hospitals of Geneva Even with laptops the access to the records restrains nurses mobility during their bedside work It has lead to a strong demand for mobile devices PROBLEM There are several papers showing that mobile computers can lead to increase time for data acquisition increased errors and omissions Thus there are important challenges at developing these tools while respecting the mobile paradigm and the needs for qualitative and efficient acquisition A simple translation of user interfaces from usual computers is not recommended RESULTS After evaluating various user interfaces with users in real conditions we propose a solution that eases the selection of patients the navigation into the various screens and provides a very clear list of tasks to achieve for nurses CONCLUSION The article exposes the difficulties to adapt an existing tool on mobile devices Despite these difficulties by organizing smartly the displayed information we produced a tool with similar functionalities but better adapted to the user