Mobile social network services for families with children with developmental disabilities.

As Internet technologies evolve their applications have changed various aspects of human life Here we attempt to examine their potential impact on services for families with developmentally delayed children Our research is thus designed to utilize wireless mobile communication technologies location services and search technology in an effort to match families of specific needs with potential care providers Based on the investigation conducted by our counselors this paper describes a platform for smooth communication between professional communities and families with children with developmental disabilities CDD This research also looks into the impact of management of mobile social network services and training on the operation of these services Interaction opportunities care and support to families with CDD are introduced
Family as a unit, Supportive supervision, Unnecessary referrals and transportation, Feasibility, Growth and development, Chronic care, Health education or promotion, Hotlines and information services, Provider training and education, Remote client-to-provider consultations (Telemedicine), Internet, Chat / Discussion Community, Installed application