A handheld computer as part of a portable in vivo knee joint load monitoring system.

dc.contributor.authorSzivek, Ja
dc.contributor.authorNandakumar, Vs
dc.contributor.authorGeffre, Cp
dc.contributor.authorTownsend, Cp
dc.description.abstractIn vivo measurement of loads and pressures acting on articular cartilage in the knee joint during various activities and rehabilitative therapies following focal defect repair will provide a means of designing activities that encourage faster and more complete healing of focal defects It was the goal of this study to develop a totally portable monitoring system that could be used during various activities and allow continuous monitoring of forces acting on the knee In order to make the monitoring system portable a handheld computer with custom software a USB powered miniature wireless receiver and a battery powered coil were developed to replace a currently used computer AC powered bench top receiver and power supply A Dell handheld running Windows Mobile operating system OS programmed using Labview was used to collect strain measurements Measurements collected by the handheld based system connected to the miniature wireless receiver were compared with the measurements collected by a hardwired system and a computer based system during bench top testing and in vivo testing The newly developed handheld based system had a maximum accuracy of 99 when compared to the computer based system
dc.relation.uriJournal of medical devices
dc.subjectFacility-based health worker
dc.subjectAccess to information or data
dc.subjectUnintentional injury
dc.subjectChronic care
dc.subjectData collection and reporting
dc.subjectPhysiologic Biosensors
dc.subjectRaw data
dc.titleA handheld computer as part of a portable in vivo knee joint load monitoring system.en
dcterms.abstractIn vivo measurement of loads and pressures acting on articular cartilage in the knee joint during various activities and rehabilitative therapies following focal defect repair will provide a means of designing activities that encourage faster and more complete healing of focal defects It was the goal of this study to develop a totally portable monitoring system that could be used during various activities and allow continuous monitoring of forces acting on the knee In order to make the monitoring system portable a handheld computer with custom software a USB powered miniature wireless receiver and a battery powered coil were developed to replace a currently used computer AC powered bench top receiver and power supply A Dell handheld running Windows Mobile operating system OS programmed using Labview was used to collect strain measurements Measurements collected by the handheld based system connected to the miniature wireless receiver were compared with the measurements collected by a hardwired system and a computer based system during bench top testing and in vivo testing The newly developed handheld based system had a maximum accuracy of 99 when compared to the computer based system
dcterms.contributorSzivek, Ja
dcterms.contributorNandakumar, Vs
dcterms.contributorGeffre, Cp
dcterms.contributorTownsend, Cp
dcterms.relationJournal of medical devices
dcterms.subjectFacility-based health worker
dcterms.subjectAccess to information or data
dcterms.subjectUnintentional injury
dcterms.subjectChronic care
dcterms.subjectData collection and reporting
dcterms.subjectPhysiologic Biosensors
dcterms.subjectRaw data
dcterms.titleA handheld computer as part of a portable in vivo knee joint load monitoring system.en