Teleneurology by email.

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We introduced an email teleneurology service for patients referred to a neurologist by general practitioners Over 14 months 76 referrals of 75 patients were received To determine the sustainability of the service we studied a second cohort of 76 consecutive patients referred after our first study We also followed up the first cohort of patients to get information on longer term safety The second cohort was obtained in one month less than the first and had similar characteristics in terms of age sex and the time taken by the neurologist to reply to the general practitioner It contained fewer patients requiring clinic appointments 34 versus 43 Fewer patients from the second cohort were referred for second opinions 4 versus 10 and there were no resulting changes in diagnosis Follow up of the first cohort from a mean of 6 months to a mean of 23 months led to seven more re referrals and no additional changes in diagnosis We conclude that teleneurology by email is sustainable for this group of patients and confirm that it is safe effective and efficient