Triage issues in an out-of-hospital birth center.

dc.contributor.authorBarnes, P M
dc.contributor.authorDossey, M S
dc.description.abstractEffective triage in an out of hospital birth center helps low risk women avoid high risk care Background issues include the contributions of evidence based practice informed consent patient education problem focused documentation after hours access to client data and the value of intuition Telephone triage immediate referral birth center management and follow up with counseling are outlined for common out of hospital triage problems first trimester bleeding nausea and vomiting second and third trimester bleeding urinary tract symptoms decreased fetal movement contractions Under 37 weeks rupture of membranes contractions or 37 weeks and emergency delivery
dc.identifier.uri available
dc.relation.uriJournal of nurse-midwifery
dc.titleTriage issues in an out-of-hospital birth center.en
dcterms.abstractEffective triage in an out of hospital birth center helps low risk women avoid high risk care Background issues include the contributions of evidence based practice informed consent patient education problem focused documentation after hours access to client data and the value of intuition Telephone triage immediate referral birth center management and follow up with counseling are outlined for common out of hospital triage problems first trimester bleeding nausea and vomiting second and third trimester bleeding urinary tract symptoms decreased fetal movement contractions Under 37 weeks rupture of membranes contractions or 37 weeks and emergency delivery
dcterms.contributorBarnes, P M
dcterms.contributorDossey, M S
dcterms.identifier available
dcterms.relationJournal of nurse-midwifery
dcterms.titleTriage issues in an out-of-hospital birth center.en