Wound teleconsultation in patients with chronic leg ulcers.

dc.contributor.authorSalmhofer, Wolfgang
dc.contributor.authorHofmann-Wellenhof, Rainer
dc.contributor.authorGabler, Gerald
dc.contributor.authorRieger-Engelbogen, Karin
dc.contributor.authorGunegger, Dieter
dc.contributor.authorBinder, Barbara
dc.contributor.authorKern, Thomas
dc.contributor.authorKerl, Helmut
dc.contributor.authorSoyer, H Peter
dc.description.abstractThe treatment of chronic leg ulcers requires frequent assessments of local wound status and adjustment of therapy The availability of reasonably priced photographic equipment and quick electronic transfer of high quality digital images should make it possible that the assessment of wound status can be made by remote experts
dc.relation.uriDermatology (Basel, Switzerland)
dc.titleWound teleconsultation in patients with chronic leg ulcers.en
dcterms.abstractThe treatment of chronic leg ulcers requires frequent assessments of local wound status and adjustment of therapy The availability of reasonably priced photographic equipment and quick electronic transfer of high quality digital images should make it possible that the assessment of wound status can be made by remote experts
dcterms.contributorSalmhofer, Wolfgang
dcterms.contributorHofmann-Wellenhof, Rainer
dcterms.contributorGabler, Gerald
dcterms.contributorRieger-Engelbogen, Karin
dcterms.contributorGunegger, Dieter
dcterms.contributorBinder, Barbara
dcterms.contributorKern, Thomas
dcterms.contributorKerl, Helmut
dcterms.contributorSoyer, H Peter
dcterms.relationDermatology (Basel, Switzerland)
dcterms.titleWound teleconsultation in patients with chronic leg ulcers.en