Are we sure that Mobile Health is really mobile? An examination of mobile device use during two remotely-delivered weight loss interventions.

dc.contributor.authorTurner-McGrievy, Gabrielle M
dc.contributor.authorTate, Deborah F
dc.description.abstractThe m in mHealth is often thought of as the ability to receive health information and monitor behaviors on the go Little is known about how people actually use mobile vs traditional access methods and if access method affects engagement and health outcomes
dc.relation.uriInternational journal of medical informatics
dc.titleAre we sure that Mobile Health is really mobile? An examination of mobile device use during two remotely-delivered weight loss interventions.en
dcterms.abstractThe m in mHealth is often thought of as the ability to receive health information and monitor behaviors on the go Little is known about how people actually use mobile vs traditional access methods and if access method affects engagement and health outcomes
dcterms.contributorTurner-McGrievy, Gabrielle M
dcterms.contributorTate, Deborah F
dcterms.relationInternational journal of medical informatics
dcterms.titleAre we sure that Mobile Health is really mobile? An examination of mobile device use during two remotely-delivered weight loss interventions.en