A multi-enzyme cascade reaction for the production of 6-hydroxyhexanoic acid.

dc.contributor.authorSrinivasamurthy, Vishnu S T
dc.contributor.authorBöttcher, Dominique
dc.contributor.authorBornscheuer, Uwe T
dc.description.abstractMulti enzyme cascade reactions capture the essence of nature s efficiency by increasing the productivity of a process Here we describe one such three enzyme cascade for the synthesis of 6 hydroxyhexanoic acid Whole cells of Escherichia coli co expressing an alcohol dehydrogenase and a Baeyer Villiger monooxygenase CHMO for internal cofactor regeneration were used without the supply of external NADPH or NADP The product inhibition caused by the caprolactone formed by the CHMO was overcome by the use of lipase CAL B for in situ conversion into 6 hydroxyhexanoic acid A stirred tank reactor under fed batch mode was chosen for efficient catalysis By using this setup a product titre of 20 g L 1 was achieved in a 500 mL scale with an isolated yield of 81 6 hydroxyhexanoic acid
dc.relation.uriZeitschrift fur Naturforschung. C, Journal of biosciences
dc.titleA multi-enzyme cascade reaction for the production of 6-hydroxyhexanoic acid.en
dcterms.abstractMulti enzyme cascade reactions capture the essence of nature s efficiency by increasing the productivity of a process Here we describe one such three enzyme cascade for the synthesis of 6 hydroxyhexanoic acid Whole cells of Escherichia coli co expressing an alcohol dehydrogenase and a Baeyer Villiger monooxygenase CHMO for internal cofactor regeneration were used without the supply of external NADPH or NADP The product inhibition caused by the caprolactone formed by the CHMO was overcome by the use of lipase CAL B for in situ conversion into 6 hydroxyhexanoic acid A stirred tank reactor under fed batch mode was chosen for efficient catalysis By using this setup a product titre of 20 g L 1 was achieved in a 500 mL scale with an isolated yield of 81 6 hydroxyhexanoic acid
dcterms.contributorSrinivasamurthy, Vishnu S T
dcterms.contributorBöttcher, Dominique
dcterms.contributorBornscheuer, Uwe T
dcterms.relationZeitschrift fur Naturforschung. C, Journal of biosciences
dcterms.titleA multi-enzyme cascade reaction for the production of 6-hydroxyhexanoic acid.en