Concordance between real-time telemedicine assessments and face-to-face consultations in paediatric otolaryngology.

dc.contributor.authorSmith, Anthony C
dc.contributor.authorDowthwaite, Samuel
dc.contributor.authorAgnew, Julie
dc.contributor.authorWootton, Richard
dc.description.abstractTo determine agreement between diagnoses and management plans made during an initial videoconference appointment and subsequent face to face consultations in paediatric ear nose and throat ENT surgery DESIGN AND SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS A paediatric ENT clinic servicing patients from Bundaberg Queensland was conducted through the Centre for Online Health at the Royal Children s Hospital RCH in Brisbane Between January 2004 and February 2006 152 consultations with 97 patients were carried out We retrospectively audited patients charts to compare the diagnosis and management plan formulated at the initial videoconference and the eventual diagnosis and surgical management after face to face consultation The clinical outcomes for children who were not recommended for surgery at the RCH were ascertained by telephone survey
dc.identifier.uri available
dc.relation.uriThe Medical journal of Australia
dc.titleConcordance between real-time telemedicine assessments and face-to-face consultations in paediatric otolaryngology.en
dcterms.abstractTo determine agreement between diagnoses and management plans made during an initial videoconference appointment and subsequent face to face consultations in paediatric ear nose and throat ENT surgery DESIGN AND SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS A paediatric ENT clinic servicing patients from Bundaberg Queensland was conducted through the Centre for Online Health at the Royal Children s Hospital RCH in Brisbane Between January 2004 and February 2006 152 consultations with 97 patients were carried out We retrospectively audited patients charts to compare the diagnosis and management plan formulated at the initial videoconference and the eventual diagnosis and surgical management after face to face consultation The clinical outcomes for children who were not recommended for surgery at the RCH were ascertained by telephone survey
dcterms.contributorSmith, Anthony C
dcterms.contributorDowthwaite, Samuel
dcterms.contributorAgnew, Julie
dcterms.contributorWootton, Richard
dcterms.identifier available
dcterms.relationThe Medical journal of Australia
dcterms.titleConcordance between real-time telemedicine assessments and face-to-face consultations in paediatric otolaryngology.en