Facial contact dermatitis and the irritant potential of mobile phone screens.

dc.contributor.authorValdivieso, Rommel
dc.contributor.authorHeras-Mendaza, Felipe
dc.contributor.authorConde-Salazar, Luis
dc.description.abstractA teenager with atopic dermatitis presented with a 12 month history of recurrent pruritic round and polygonal patches on her face Patch tests using the European standard series including nickel chromium and cobalt chloride a plastic and glue series of allergens polyester components and personal and environmental products in contact with the patient were conducted For the patient and 3 of 14 healthy volunteers positive reactions were observed to the patient s mobile phone touchscreen TS an extract solution from the TS and a non TS phone of another brand Accordingly the patient s dermatitis disappeared when contact with mobile phone screens was avoided
dc.relation.uriPediatric dermatology
dc.titleFacial contact dermatitis and the irritant potential of mobile phone screens.en
dcterms.abstractA teenager with atopic dermatitis presented with a 12 month history of recurrent pruritic round and polygonal patches on her face Patch tests using the European standard series including nickel chromium and cobalt chloride a plastic and glue series of allergens polyester components and personal and environmental products in contact with the patient were conducted For the patient and 3 of 14 healthy volunteers positive reactions were observed to the patient s mobile phone touchscreen TS an extract solution from the TS and a non TS phone of another brand Accordingly the patient s dermatitis disappeared when contact with mobile phone screens was avoided
dcterms.contributorValdivieso, Rommel
dcterms.contributorHeras-Mendaza, Felipe
dcterms.contributorConde-Salazar, Luis
dcterms.relationPediatric dermatology
dcterms.titleFacial contact dermatitis and the irritant potential of mobile phone screens.en