Mobile diabetes intervention study: testing a personalized treatment/behavioral communication intervention for blood glucose control.

BACKGROUND National data find glycemic control is within target A1cUnder7 0 for 37 of patients with diabetes and only 7 meet recommended glycemic lipid and blood pressure goals OBJECTIVES To compare active interventions and usual care for glucose control in a randomized clinical trial RCT among persons with diabetes cared for by primary care physicians PCPs over the course of 1 year METHODS Physician practices n 36 in 4 geographic areas are randomly assigned to 1 of 4 study groups The intervention is a diabetes communication system using mobile phones and patient physician portals to allow patient specific treatment and communication All physicians receive American Diabetes Association ADA Guidelines for diabetes care Patients with poor diabetes control A1c or 7 5 at baseline n 260 are enrolled in study groups based on PCP randomization All study patients receive blood glucose BG meters and a year s supply of testing materials Patients in three treatment groups select one of two mobile phone models receive one year unlimited mobile phone data and service plan register on the web based individual patient portal and receive study treatment phone software based on study assignment Control group patients receive usual care from their PCP The primary outcome is mean change in A1c over a 12 month intervention period CONCLUSION Traditional methods of disease management have not achieved adequate control for BG and other conditions important to persons with diabetes Tools to improve communication between patients and PCPs may improve patient outcomes and be satisfactory to patients and physicians This RCT is ongoing