[Studies on a handheld computer system for perinatal care].

dc.contributor.authorMatsubara, N
dc.description.abstractThe present paper demonstrates a handheld computer system for use in perinatal care The features of the system are as follows The gestational age and fetal body weight were determined by analyzing the data from ultrasonography with the high order regressive equation The combined use of the linear regressive equation and Ott s equation was more useful in precisely calculating the fetal abdominal circumference In order to decrease input error attempts were made to minimize key operations for data entry The use of the screen edition system also made it easier to correct input error It was concluded that this system was practical and easy to handle and would be a useful aid in clinical care
dc.identifier.urihttp://dx.doi.org/Not available
dc.relation.uriNihon Sanka Fujinka Gakkai zasshi
dc.title[Studies on a handheld computer system for perinatal care].en
dcterms.abstractThe present paper demonstrates a handheld computer system for use in perinatal care The features of the system are as follows The gestational age and fetal body weight were determined by analyzing the data from ultrasonography with the high order regressive equation The combined use of the linear regressive equation and Ott s equation was more useful in precisely calculating the fetal abdominal circumference In order to decrease input error attempts were made to minimize key operations for data entry The use of the screen edition system also made it easier to correct input error It was concluded that this system was practical and easy to handle and would be a useful aid in clinical care
dcterms.contributorMatsubara, N
dcterms.identifierhttp://dx.doi.org/Not available
dcterms.relationNihon Sanka Fujinka Gakkai zasshi
dcterms.title[Studies on a handheld computer system for perinatal care].en