Personalized medicine: risk prediction, targeted therapies and mobile health technology.

dc.contributor.authorHayes, Daniel F
dc.contributor.authorMarkus, Hugh S
dc.contributor.authorLeslie, R David
dc.contributor.authorTopol, Eric J
dc.description.abstractPersonalized medicine is increasingly being employed across many areas of clinical practice as genes associated with specific diseases are discovered and targeted therapies are developed Mobile apps are also beginning to be used in medicine with the aim of providing a personalized approach to disease management In some areas of medicine patient tailored risk prediction and treatment are applied routinely in the clinic whereas in other fields more work is required to translate scientific advances into individualized treatment In this forum article we asked specialists in oncology neurology endocrinology and mobile health technology to discuss where we are in terms of personalized medicine and address their visions for the future and the challenges that remain in their respective fields
dc.relation.uriBMC medicine
dc.titlePersonalized medicine: risk prediction, targeted therapies and mobile health technology.en
dcterms.abstractPersonalized medicine is increasingly being employed across many areas of clinical practice as genes associated with specific diseases are discovered and targeted therapies are developed Mobile apps are also beginning to be used in medicine with the aim of providing a personalized approach to disease management In some areas of medicine patient tailored risk prediction and treatment are applied routinely in the clinic whereas in other fields more work is required to translate scientific advances into individualized treatment In this forum article we asked specialists in oncology neurology endocrinology and mobile health technology to discuss where we are in terms of personalized medicine and address their visions for the future and the challenges that remain in their respective fields
dcterms.contributorHayes, Daniel F
dcterms.contributorMarkus, Hugh S
dcterms.contributorLeslie, R David
dcterms.contributorTopol, Eric J
dcterms.relationBMC medicine
dcterms.titlePersonalized medicine: risk prediction, targeted therapies and mobile health technology.en