Carey, Robert MMuntner, PaulBosworth, Hayden BWhelton, Paul K2020-06-082020-06-080000-00-00 the leading risk factor for cardiovascular disease originates from combined genetic environmental and social determinants Environmental factors include overweight obesity unhealthy diet excessive dietary sodium inadequate dietary potassium insufficient physical activity and consumption of alcohol Prevention and control of hypertension can be achieved through targeted and or population based strategies For control of hypertension the targeted strategy involves interventions to increase awareness treatment and control in individuals Corresponding population based strategies involve interventions designed to achieve a small reduction in blood pressure BP in the entire population Having a usual source of care optimizing adherence and minimizing therapeutic inertia are associated with higher rates of BP control The Chronic Care Model a collaborative partnership among the patient provider and health system incorporates a multilevel approach for control of hypertension Optimizing the prevention recognition and care of hypertension requires a paradigm shift to team based care and the use of strategies known to control BPPrevention and Control of Hypertension: JACC Health Promotion Series.