AIR Louisville: Addressing Asthma With Technology, Crowdsourcing, Cross-Sector Collaboration, And Policy.

dc.contributor.authorBarrett, Meredith
dc.contributor.authorCombs, Veronica
dc.contributor.authorSu, Jason G
dc.contributor.authorHenderson, Kelly
dc.contributor.authorTuffli, Michael,
dc.description.abstractCross sector partnerships benefit public health by leveraging ideas resources and expertise from a wide range of partners In this study we documented the process and impact of AIR Louisville a collaboration forged among the Louisville Metro Government a nonprofit institute and a technology company in successfully tackling a complex public health challenge asthma We enrolled residents of Louisville Kentucky with asthma and used electronic inhaler sensors to monitor where and when they used medication We found that the use of the digital health platform achieved positive clinical outcomes including a 78 percent reduction in rescue inhaler use and a 48 percent improvement in symptom free days Moreover the crowdsourced real world data on inhaler use combined with environmental data led to policy recommendations including enhancing tree canopy tree removal mitigation zoning for air pollution emission buffers recommended truck routes and developing a community asthma notification system AIR Louisville represents a model that can be replicated to address many public health challenges by simultaneously guiding individual clinical and policy decisions
dc.relation.uriHealth affairs (Project Hope)
dc.titleAIR Louisville: Addressing Asthma With Technology, Crowdsourcing, Cross-Sector Collaboration, And Policy.en
dcterms.abstractCross sector partnerships benefit public health by leveraging ideas resources and expertise from a wide range of partners In this study we documented the process and impact of AIR Louisville a collaboration forged among the Louisville Metro Government a nonprofit institute and a technology company in successfully tackling a complex public health challenge asthma We enrolled residents of Louisville Kentucky with asthma and used electronic inhaler sensors to monitor where and when they used medication We found that the use of the digital health platform achieved positive clinical outcomes including a 78 percent reduction in rescue inhaler use and a 48 percent improvement in symptom free days Moreover the crowdsourced real world data on inhaler use combined with environmental data led to policy recommendations including enhancing tree canopy tree removal mitigation zoning for air pollution emission buffers recommended truck routes and developing a community asthma notification system AIR Louisville represents a model that can be replicated to address many public health challenges by simultaneously guiding individual clinical and policy decisions
dcterms.contributorBarrett, Meredith
dcterms.contributorCombs, Veronica
dcterms.contributorSu, Jason G
dcterms.contributorHenderson, Kelly
dcterms.contributorTuffli, Michael
dcterms.relationHealth affairs (Project Hope)
dcterms.titleAIR Louisville: Addressing Asthma With Technology, Crowdsourcing, Cross-Sector Collaboration, And Policy.en