From operating theatre to operating studio--visualizing surgery in the age of telemedicine.

dc.contributor.authorAanestad, Margunn
dc.contributor.authorRøtnes, Jan Sigurd
dc.contributor.authorEdwin, Bjørn
dc.contributor.authorBuanes, Trond
dc.description.abstractWe have conducted a telemedicine project between two of Norway s largest hospitals Rikshospitalet and Ullev l Hospital with a focus on image guided surgical and radiological procedures Video was broadcast using a 34 Mbit s ATM network This resulted in changes in the local work practice to accommodate and facilitate the communication It also required changes to the surgeon s tasks to improve communication with remote viewers These changes were not trivial and can be viewed as signs of a shift towards a more public kind of surgery and interventional radiology brought about by new technology
dc.identifier.uri available
dc.relation.uriJournal of telemedicine and telecare
dc.titleFrom operating theatre to operating studio--visualizing surgery in the age of telemedicine.en
dcterms.abstractWe have conducted a telemedicine project between two of Norway s largest hospitals Rikshospitalet and Ullev l Hospital with a focus on image guided surgical and radiological procedures Video was broadcast using a 34 Mbit s ATM network This resulted in changes in the local work practice to accommodate and facilitate the communication It also required changes to the surgeon s tasks to improve communication with remote viewers These changes were not trivial and can be viewed as signs of a shift towards a more public kind of surgery and interventional radiology brought about by new technology
dcterms.contributorAanestad, Margunn
dcterms.contributorRøtnes, Jan Sigurd
dcterms.contributorEdwin, Bjørn
dcterms.contributorBuanes, Trond
dcterms.identifier available
dcterms.relationJournal of telemedicine and telecare
dcterms.titleFrom operating theatre to operating studio--visualizing surgery in the age of telemedicine.en