Uptake of a technology-assisted home-care cardiac rehabilitation program.

The prevalence of cardiovascular disease a major cause of disease burden in Australia and other developed countries is increasing due to a rapidly ageing population and environmental biomedical and modifiable lifestyle factors Although cardiac rehabilitation CR programs have been shown to be beneficial and effective rates of referral uptake and utilisation of traditional hospital or community centre programs are poor Home based CR programs have been shown to be as effective as centre based programs and recent advances in information and communication technologies ICT can be used to enhance the delivery of such programs The Care Assessment Platform CAP is an integrated home based CR model incorporating ICT including a mobile phone and the internet and providing all the core components of traditional CR education physical activity exercise training behaviour modification strategies and psychological counselling The mobile phone given to patients has an integrated accelerometer and diary application for recording exercise and health information A central database with access to these data allows mentors to assess patients progress assist in setting goals revise targets and give weekly personal feedback Mentors find the mobile phone modalities practical and easy to use and preliminary results show high usage rates and acceptance of ICT by participants The provision of ICT supported home based CR programs may enable more patients in both metropolitan and remote settings to benefit from CR
Client, Supply of services, Diversity of treatment options, Low adherence to treatments, Loss to follow up, Demand for services, Cardiovascular disease, Chronic care, Remote client-to-provider consultations (Telemedicine), Disease management, Referrals, Physiologic Biosensors, Accelerometers / Motion sensors